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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

[@hellogames] RT @TequilaWorks: It's been a week since we released #GroundhogDayLikeFatherLikeSon and It's the 753rd time I've told you this, but you don't remember it 'cos you're not aware you're in a time loop. BUT I AM. 753 f* MONDAYS in a row. At least, please, check it out. (twitter)

Tweeted October 08, 2019 at 02:59AM by @hellogames at

RT @TequilaWorks: It's been a week since we released #GroundhogDayLikeFatherLikeSon and It's the 753rd time I've told you this, but you don't remember it 'cos you're not aware you're in a time loop. BUT I AM. 753 f* MONDAYS in a row. At least, please, check it out.