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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

[@NoMansSky] RT @ElieNYC: My list of “stupid things I thought I was too old to do,” now includes getting a mech in @NoMansSky. Naming that mech “Mr. Met.” Getting that mech blown up trying tank an AT-ST. And staying up til 4 am repairing the mech bc I couldn’t go to bed with it ruined. I’m 41 years old. (twitter)

Tweeted April 14, 2020 at 04:02AM by @NoMansSky at

RT @ElieNYC: My list of “stupid things I thought I was too old to do,” now includes getting a mech in @NoMansSky. Naming that mech “Mr. Met.” Getting that mech blown up trying tank an AT-ST. And staying up til 4 am repairing the mech bc I couldn’t go to bed with it ruined. I’m 41 years old.