HTML Module - Menu & Style

Friday, January 17, 2020

[@hellogames] RT @shahidkamal: Bless you all for sharing this so much, and people have got in touch, but I’m not there yet. So here’s a rough video of the prototype. I’m taking a real risk sharing this, so I’d appreciate one final push from you, my future as a dev is on the line ❤️💪🏽 (twitter)

Tweeted January 17, 2020 at 07:04PM by @hellogames at

RT @shahidkamal: Bless you all for sharing this so much, and people have got in touch, but I’m not there yet. So here’s a rough video of the prototype. I’m taking a real risk sharing this, so I’d appreciate one final push from you, my future as a dev is on the line ❤️💪🏽